#4 Jess Amyn

Cette américaine nous rappelle que le Yoga n’est pas uniquement destiné aux personnes minces, musclées et ultra-sportives.

Pourquoi elle nous redonne confiance ?

1. Parce qu’elle pointe du doigt les discriminations encore (trop) présentes dans un sport qui se veut spirituel et booste la confiance de centaines de femmes.

2. Parce qu’elle libère les femmes de ces normes “conventionnelles” qui les cadenassent. Elle prône l’acceptation de soi dans un milieu sportif où, selon elle, de nombreux préjugés sont ancrés.

3. Elle motive les femmes à se lancer dans un sport dans lequel elles n’auraient peut-être jamais penser s’investir.

As much as I love my yoga practice, I haven’t felt compelled to talk about it lately. Frankly, there are more important things going on this world. I mean, the alleged US president has got y’all lit as fuck right now and it 👏🏾is👏🏾 AMAZING. Legit, so many people that I coulda sworn were worshipping yoga leggings five seconds ago have been out in the streets, both physically and metaphorically. And I’m pretty sure most people are being sincere and NOT doing it for instagram photos. (And if you ARE showing up in the streets purely for the sake of an instagram photo……you know what, lemme not even go there because you know who you are and WE know who you are & that’s all that matters.) Anyway, I’m so thrilled to see y’all tuning into the politics of our world. Frankly, that’s the only reason I talk about my personal views. I don’t care if you think the same things as I do. But it’s important to think SOMETHING. This life isn’t all about yoga leggings and juice cleanses and beach retreats. And I know my political opinions piss off some of you. That’s ok, too- I mean, how could we all have the same opinions about everything? But we spend so much time distracted by our trivial material pursuits that we don’t get around to acknowledging our ideological differences. I’ve witnessed so many feuds since the inauguration, and I’m honestly thrilled about it. We’ve all spent way too much time pussyfooting around critical issues, and it’s important that we blow up on each other from time to time. ANYWAY, I’m here for the revolution. I just hope it doesn’t end anytime soon because we have a LONG way to go. (And if you think yoga and politics are unrelated and you wish I would just talk about shit that makes you happy, I would implore you to learn more about yoga before incorrectly assuming that its sole purpose is to make you feel happy.) Throwback to that time I thought it would be a great idea to practice #handstand hops in an icey ass parking lot during NC Snowpocalypse 2017. Photo by bae @zoelitaker Leggings & bra by @additionelle Fingers + toes- @yogapaws

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I’m working with @refinery29 & @lanebryant on The 67% Project & this week I was asked to recount a time when I experienced a negative commentary on my social media posts. But here’s the thing- I think responding to internet trolls is the biggest waste of time. I get plenty of mean and sarcastic comments on my most sensitive and naked (metaphorically and literally) Instagram posts, but why should I waste the prime time of my life being concerned with the insecurities of other people? Furthermore, I’m not bothered or concerned by the fact that there are probably plenty of people who follow me on social media specifically so they can throw shade. I just think it’s pathetic to make fun of people for being fat- who has got time for that? It exhibits an absence of maturity, self-confidence, and self-worth in anyone who goes that route. I’m too busy loving #ThisBody and living my best life to even bother with that cyclone of BS. That’s probably the most important reason we need to #SeeThe67. Fat bodied women are not an anomaly- we’re the norm. And if our bodies were acknowledged as normal and not as that of Godzilla’s ugly stepsister, we might see a decrease in the number of people who feel compelled to shamelessly hate on fat bodied people. Jacket, Dress, & Boots by @lanebryant #ad by @alliemullin

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