On 7 December 2016, A boy in Jibreen wears his new winter jacket and hat. The recent fighting in east Aleppo has displaced some 31,500 people since 24 November, an estimated half of them are children. Fleeing violence, some displaced families are taking refuge in a large warehouse in Jibreen. UNICEF is providing winter clothes, safe drinking water, healthcare, education and psychosocial support for these children who have lived through so much horror.
Some 31,5000 people are reported to have been displaced from and within eastern Aleppo City since 24 November. Temperatures are dropping quickly and heavy rainfall has made conditions even worse over the past few days. UNICEF is providing blankets and winter clothing, as well as access to safe water, essential medical care, including vaccinations and psychosocial support for children who have lived through such horrors.
In Jibreen, to the east of Aleppo City, children and their families displaced by recent fighting in eastern Aleppo take shelter in a large warehouse in an area under Government control. Some 8,000 people are sheltering there.
In Hanano, in east Aleppo City was the first district to be retaken by Government forces on 27 November. People are now moving back to the area as the frontline of fighting has moved further away. This includes families returning to their homes, as well as displaced families from other areas of east Aleppo.
De schrijnende beelden en alarmerende nieuwsberichten uit Syrië laten niemand onberoerd en heel wat mensen willen in actie schieten. Enige vraag: hoe?
De initiatieven en goede bedoelingen zijn talrijk, maar het is belangrijk een efficiënte organisatie te steunen en goed te weten waarop je jouw specifieke hulp richt en waarin die geïnvesteerd wordt. We sommen enkele vzw’s die ter plekke ijveren op, net als de specifieke acties die zij daar uitvoeren: